With Tiger Woods returning to the PGA Tour at The Masters (April 5-11), I couldn’t be happier. Yes, the whole situation over the past few months has been disappointing to say the very least, but we need to let the man do what he does best… GOLF… and when he returns at The Masters I’ll be glued to the TV set, watching him every step of the way.

To help ‘celebrate’ the world’s #1 return to the course, I thought it may be fun to run a little contest. Up for grabs? Well, that’d be a copy of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2011 for the console of your choice! The game will be available in-stores on June 8th, so yeah, you’ll have to wait a little while to get it… But good things come to those that wait! The game will be available at launch for the Wii, PS3 and XBOX 360, so the winner will simply have to let me know the console they prefer, and the game will be on the way. Deal? Deal!

Win a copy of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11!
Now, on to the details on entering. The concept is simple. We’re going to see who can predict Tiger’s round and total score as closely as possible. This should be fun. 1 point will be awarded for a correct round score, and 4 points will be awarded for a correct total score. In the event of a tie, a custom tie-breaker contest will be held during Tiger’s next tourny to break it. Sound good? OK, now here are the steps you’ve got to follow to enter, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:
- Follow us on Twitter. It takes literally one second. Follow us @GolfCrunchLive.
- Tweet the contest to your followers AT LEAST ONCE. Again, this only takes a few seconds.
- Leave a comment to THIS post, with your round scores and total score, in this format: 70 69 67 71 = 277
(Note: If you think he’s going to miss the cut, format your entry like this: 75 74 = 149)
That’s it. 3 easy steps, and you’re in.
Can you enter multiple times? YES. Once every 24 hours.
That said, anyone blatantly hitting up the contest with entry after entry on the same day will be disqualified. Also, along with every entry we ask that you tweet about the contest to your followers. So, if you’re entered 5 times in the contest, I better see at least 5 tweets about the contest! Sound like a fair deal? Good!
At the conclusion of The Masters, I’ll go through all entries to determine a winner. In fact, I’ll probably put together a contest ‘leaderboard’ of sorts to show off all entries and scores entered. Should be fun to see the scoring people enter!
Once I’ve determined the winner, I’ll hit up Twitter to determine if the winner is indeed following us, and if they ‘tweeted’ the contest to their followers. If not, I’ll go down the list to the second place person and do the same.
Sound good? Great!
Let’s get predictin’! Follow us, tweet the contest to your followers and enter your scores here in the comments.
Note: Cut-off for contest entries is 11:59CST on April 7th.